01 April 2009

Unspectacular [Chapter 1]

Uh... hello to whoever may be reading this. *waves*
As I said in my first post, I love writing. There's just something about expressing yourself by using words that intriques me. Anyway, I've written A LOT of stories, but I never really felt confident about them. But, after reading something that a friend of mine wrote [Hi, ate Heather!! xD], I felt a little more confident. So yeah... this explains why I'm finally uploading one of my stories up here.
By the way, this is a work of complete fiction. None of this have ever happened to me. I must admit though that this is actually a "fanfiction-ish" work. xD I ADORE My Chemical Romance and some characters in this story are based on the guys from My Chemical Romance. Haha. xD So, if you're a fan of My Chem, you'd have a bit more advantage because it'll be easier for you to understand the story. But if you're not, no worries; I'll explain stuff as the story progresses.
And sorry if I keep swearing. It's all part of the character's personality [who is, by the way, not based on me. She is a completely fictional character which I created.]
Anyway... on to the story... I'm terribly sorry if it's suck-y. xD


Rain splattered on the windows. Once in a while a raindrop would cascade down the glass, leaving a trail of water behind. There was nothing spectacular about the rain. It was just a repeated process. It’s not something that’s so shocking that you just have to gawk at it as if it was a rare happening. It’s not something so complex that you just have to stare at it as if it would help you understand its intricate process. It’s just the fucking rain for pete’s sake.
And yet a pair of eyes just seemed unable to take its gaze off of it.
He was a rather unspectacular-looking boy. His body was just a little step over average. His black hair stopped at his shoulders and hid his face a bit. He had a small, pixie-like nose and rather thin lips. Like I said, nothing spectacular really. You can pretty much see someone like him just walking down the street.
But somehow I can’t help but be rather intrigued by him. He wasn’t someone I’d usually be attracted to. In fact, his little rocker friend that he was hanging out with earlier seemed like someone I’d definitely flirt with. But alas he just had to leave the coffee shop before I even had the chance to talk to him. Darn it. And he was fucking cute, too; with his Mohawk-ish hair, lip piercing, tattoos, studded belt, faded jeans and Misfits tee.
I took another sip from my coffee and continued to gaze at the unspectacular-looking boy. There was definitely nothing outside that could possibly be fascinating enough for him to stare at all day. It was just a boring old street in New Jersey; a few people walking by now and then; a few cars passing through and disappearing into another street; a few stray dogs would walk into a few alleys. There was nothing interesting out there. Or perhaps he really was just staring at the rain dripping down the windows of the coffee shop.
Seeing that there was no one else in the coffee shop, I downed the little bit of coffee left in the coffee cup and walked up to his table. I hated being bored anyway.
“Hi,” I said simply.
He turned his gaze from the window and looked up at me. A few strands of his hair fell back as he tilted his head up slightly, revealing his hazel brown eyes. “Uh, hi…?” he said, seeming to be rather confused why a total stranger would suddenly greet him. I smiled nonetheless.
There was a slight pause before one of us spoke once more.
“Um… do I know you…?” he asked.
“Uh… no,” I answered, feeling stupid all of a sudden with my answer.
“Oh,” he said. He looked down and started to fiddle around with his hands. Soon he started looking out of the window again.
I sat at the chair in front of him. “So…” I said casually “What have you been staring at out there?”
“You’ve been staring outside since you got here,” I said “What’ve you been staring at out there?” I looked out and tried to see if there was actually something out there that I couldn’t see from where I was sitting at earlier.
“Oh, nothing… I was just kinda spacing out I guess,” he shrugged. He looked down at his hands once more.
I put my elbow on the table and rested my head on my hand. I studied his face a little more thoroughly. He was definitely an unspectacular boy. If you put him in a crowd of average, everyday people, he’d just blend in. I disliked average people. They’re boring. I hate boring. I was always looking for something different; something unique; something unexpected. He was definitely too simple for my tastes. But somehow he just seems to exude an aura that intrigues me.
“I’m Astrid,” I said, breaking the silence. I extended my hand so he could shake it. He shook it rather gingerly.
“I’m Gerard,” he said. Even his name was something you’d come across any day.
“You seem troubled,” I commented nonchalantly.
“Oh really?”
I nodded.
He chuckled a bit. I smiled at the sound of his laugh; it was rather high-pitched for a guy like him.
“Ehm… yeah, I guess I kinda am…” he said, rubbing the back of his neck.
I rested my head on my clasped hands and looked at him interestedly. “Can I ask why, Gerard?” I inquired, although I already suspected what his answer would be; probably another broken-hearted fool.
He let out a small sigh, “Guess I just really want to forget about some things…”
“And what sort of things would that be?” I pressed on.
“Why do you want to know?” he raised his eyebrow.
“I’m just that kind of person who always wants to know what’s going on,” I smiled.
“So you’re like the paparazzi or something?” he laughed.
“Maaaybe…” I said “Or maybe I’m just one of those stalker-type girls…”
He laughed once more, in a slightly higher pitch this time. I can’t help but giggle a bit upon hearing him laugh like that.
“So anyway… what is it that’s troubling you?” I asked, returning to the topic.
“Um…” he bit his lip and let out a sigh “Just last week, uh… my grandmother… passed away…” He looked down and pursed his lips.
“Oh,” was all I could say.
He sighed, “Yeah… and she pretty much… just… made me into who I am right now…”
I expected him to say something like “My girlfriend just broke up with me” or “This girl I like just doesn’t feel the same way”; he seemed like one of those types of guys.
I looked at Gerard, who just brought his hands to his mouth and looked out the window once more. He looked even more miserable as ever. I gave myself a mental-kick to the head. I never should’ve asked; man, I’m too nosy! I took a deep breath and slouched back into my chair, thinking of something to say.
“Why’d you want to forget her?” I asked.
He raised his eyebrow at me a bit, as if to say “Why d’you think?”
I looked down and tried to think of the right words to say. “I never was close to my grandmother,” I said “Heck, I even hated her. All my life, all she ever did was criticize me for everything I did and everything I believed in. And she even stole money from my parents…”
I looked up a bit and saw Gerard watching me rather intently. “My point is,” I continued “Your grandma means so much to you; she must’ve been an amazing person. If I had a grandma like yours, I wouldn’t want to forget her; I want her memory to live on; I want everyone to know how much she has inspired me.”
I looked up. He was twiddling around with his hands once more. “I… I never really thought of it that way…” he said quietly, but loud enough for me to hear.
He faced me and smiled weakly. I smiled back.
“Y’know… for a girl that has a tough-looking and rather wacky exterior,” he said “You think pretty deep.”
I grinned, “I’ll consider that as a compliment,”


If you hated it, I AM SO SORRY. D: I'm still not that good at writing. I'm so sorry I wasted your time in reading something extremely crappy.
If you liked it, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH. I'd love to get comments/messages on what I should improve, if it's not much of a hassle. :]

Blogging madness

"Woah" is all I can say. xD It usually takes me quite a while to figure this stuff out.

Anyway, hi there~

I'm Amy. I'm currently fourteen years old and turning fifteen on the 8th of October this year. I'm a Filipina.

I'm a writer [well, trying to be] and I'm going to use this blog to post some stories I wrote every once in a while.